For Sale or Free

I have purchased many models of the Lotus family, particularly the 111 chassis models.  I always intended to pass them on to other enthusiasts who were not so lucky to find them online or on the racks at Walmart.  I have duplicates of many models and most are in original boxes. Some packaging is faded.  They are many different sizes, 1:18, 1:28, and 1:43.  I have included a group picture to help identify the size.  Email if you are concerned about the condition of the box or model or the size.

I want them all to find good homes. 

Each one is free to the first person that responds but then you must send me packaging, self addressed, and I will box the model and send it along.  (I am in Sunnyvale, CA 94087).  

I will edit the pictures to try and keep the number that are available current.  Many of the pictures showing the whole collection have already had some models sent off.  The pictures are included so you can estimate scale.  Last done January 27, 12:00 pm PST

antique auto


lotus model

lotus model


lotus model

lotus model

lotus model

lotus model

lotus model

lotus model

lotus model

miniature exige

miniature elite

miniature lotus